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You Think You Like Him?

So, you like him?


Do you like the idea of him? better make sure!

Cuz there is a difference..

So you recently met this guy who is outrageously gorgeous! Or he may be alright but he's got swag and a nice looking bank account! He may be driving the flyest car around and dressing for the kill.
That ain't your story?
Okay...let's try this one...

The guy you're talking to may not have all of those things but he DOES dream of becoming a rapper one day and getting all of his homies out the hood. He still lives with his momma, with NO job but he's gonna "make it". So he spew out all of his dreams of becoming famous one day all while He's sitting at home doing absolutely NOTHING to get there.

But you like it. You don't like him. You like it. You like the idea that you could be the one-day wife of a famous rapper. You like the idea that you could possibly be the one riding around in that nice car. You dream about all of the one day pictures you would post on Instagram of you and him dressed in designer outfits with the caption of "His fly match my fly".

Baby doll, wake up.

You don't really want him. You want what you think he is. You want what he's not even sure if he got himself! (Trust me, you see the car...but not them high car payments he be dreading to receive every month). WHATEVER idea you may have of the guy you're with or want to be with, get RID of them. Then, tell me what you're left with.
No, seriously...If you were to surrender up your idea of this guy to God, what would be left?

-would it be the voice of the Holy Spirit telling you to continue on with him?
-would you have peace about him?
-would he be the one to present you to Christ spotless and without blemish?
-would he even be able to push you closer to Christ, better yet...himself?

Would he be the best candidate now that you think about it?

Look at whoever, for who he really is. It should take more than just the idea of someone to get you to fall for them! You'll waste so much time with the wrong guys because you dreaming. "The Secret" tells you to imagine what you want and you can get it. Some what true. But The Secret keeps the fact that "if it ain't God's will, you won't have any peace", a secret!

Be careful, Sis. Make sure that whoever you like, is REALLY who you like, before you go on with him. As daughters of God, we court who God leads us to, not potential or ideas. Let's pop the illusion bubbles and stare that man in the face for who he really is. Let's refocus y'all.

Love you to peices!

DISCLAIMER: NO SHADE, to anyone desiring to be a rapper. Your dreams are your dreams BUT...we just don't want for dreams to come true, we need for purposes to start manifesting! So with that being said...if the guy is called to be a rapper, more power to him. But keep in mind that when we're called by God to do something, it leads us and others closer to Him, not away. (Not just with rapping, but with any and everything that we do. :) ❤


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