I sit here on my couch in complete "debate mode" on rather or not I should write this blog. In my head..I'm one of the most productive Christians I know, but in reality.....blah. But Why should I write a blog that will completely expose myself when pretending everything is all good is much easier? Why should I expose myself when the Bible clearly tells us to be ready to expose evil....not expose ourselves...(ha)
"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them."-Ephesians 5:11
BUT I didn't see anything where it said to expose myself.
Well, I said ALL of that to say: SOMETIMES exposing evil can mean ....exposing ourselves. Errrrrrkkkk. Pump the brakes. "Mesha, I am faaaaar from evil. I am a Child of a King...So whatchu mean?! " Yeah, I hear you. But maybe you should consider that you are fully capable of being evil, IF and ONLY IF, you're not careful. And if not EXPOSED, that evil will run completely rampart over your life. In this case, the topic I'm talking about in this blog isn't inherently something I would go as far as to say is evil, BUT it is something that could cripple our walk with God...and that's enough. So, for the sake of our walk, we're going to just identify it as evil. (It's a mind thing, maybe we'll take it more seriously, I don't know.) So let's expose some evil! Let's call it out and no longer pat it on the back and consider it "harmless". Let's look at it for what it is and start working on this thing! So, I guess we can get started with this good ole' conversation about laziness!
Let's just be clear: If you're struggling with laziness, I'm just going to let you know right now: I will be calling you out for it in this blog. BUT Don't be so quick to get offended before going back and re-reading the first sentence of this blog....so yes, I'm calling myself out too. Its something so unique about the Couch Potato Christian(CPC). They're(we're) usually the most creative, visionary, and talented people but the others on the outside don't get to experience that part of them because its all kept in the inside. The CPC is more of the receiver, you receive divine ideas from God but no one will ever get to be edified from it because for some reason, it seems better safe inside! The Body is waiting for you to do your part but strangely, you're waiting for you to do your part too! You know that you're suppose to be functioning but doing absolutely nothing feels more comfortable. All the while you're just sitting down with the excuse of "Well, I don't know what to do", so you just do nothing. (&Trust me, the Body of Christ can't afford for you to do nothing.) The couch potato Christian will complain about how they don't know what to do but yet will REFUSE to even fall at God's feet and ask....all in the name "being too lazy" to even wait to hear what He has to say KNOWING that they should. Check this out before we go any further:
"Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it"- James 4:17
On top of this, you have to deal with the fact that laziness is very pricey. It's cheap to do and expensive to pay back. You can't afford to be slack Fam. The saddest thing ever is for God to raise up someone else to do what you're too lazy to do. I know this may be a hard to swallow, but its true. You think I'm hard, check out what the Bible says about it:
"He also who is slack in his work Is brother to him who destroys."- Proverbs 18:9
Ouch. Now that's tough. Trust me Fam, I'm swallowing the same pill. It's to the point where I'm even beginning to hate the word laziness. (Yes, I tend to hate words that I'm often guilty of being...don't judge.) But trust me when I say that this will all get better...no, seriously, it will. Why? Because were EXPOSING it, like I mentioned earlier. Were acknowledging that we are a HOT MESS and need Christ to deliver us from this evil. Our laziness is crippling us and is causing us to commit idolatry. "Waayyyyminn Mesh... IDOLATRY? Now I was with you until you said all that. Now, you're just being wayy to deep". Nope..you read it right. Its idolatry when you chose to obey your feelings rather than the voice of God. Its idolatry when you chose to watch TV than to call that friend God laid on your heart or write that blog. Its idolatry when you chose to obey your sluggishness rather than opening and reading your Bible! Idolatry is when you worship or put other gods before the one and only true God. Ever went to sleep feeling horrible but woke up feeling brand new? Well something even better happened for you! Someone went to sleep(died) for you, and when He woke (rose) up, YOU were actually new. You now have the power to walk in the holiness that Jesus modeled, which from what I read, have nothing to do with laziness. He's calling you to do somethings but can He trust you with it? Will you obey Him or your lazy emotions? To make it even more clear, who/what you've been responding to the most exposes who you worship, rather you're aware of it or not! The thing is, laziness is the sin that causes so much other sin.(like most sin will) Not being productive will probably cause the lazy Christian to indulge in pornography, (or having sensual imaginations) or taking part in some sort of gluttony. Laziness is dangerous and is nothing short putting your OWN feelings and desires ABOVE doing what God called you to do. It reveals and proves that the couch potato Christian doesn't actually worship God, but rather, they worship...themselves.
So how do fix this? Now that we've identified the problem, now what? We've exposed it all..so what do we do now? Well, here are a few practical tips on how to defeat laziness and start functioning in your part in the body of Christ.
1. Repent..that's right, repent. If you realized that your boss told you to do something that you didn't do, you would first go apologize and make it right with him out of the fear of either getting write up, or totally losing your job all together. Then on top of that, you would do everything in your power to turn completely away from possibly making that mistake again. You wouldn't just go on like it never happened, for the sake of you keeping your job you would make it your business to apologize to your boss for not obeying him.So how much MORE should we reverence the same respect for God? We shouldn't fear man over God. Repent to HIM and make it right , then turn away and walk in obedience from that point on. The bible tells us to and its only right. Repent for being lazy, as we do know that it is a sin.
2. Understand that you DO have a part. Its hard to function in something that you're not really sure you have a part in. I feel you, because I wouldn't show up to someone's musical play, and walk on stage without having a part. I would feel completely hesitant and cautioned from doing it because I wouldn't know what to do or say and would probably mess up the whole thing! But if I knew I did have a part, I would show up and operate because I would know that the whole thing would be thrown off. Same with the Body of Christ! If you've accepted Christ into your life, you HAVE a part in this Body and an important one at that! Important enough to cause the others to suffer if you don't function, and who wants that type of "blood" on their hands?
3 .Control Social Media, not vice versa. Social Media can be the devil sometimes. Its so easy to get caught up scrolling to see how everyone else is "living out their purpose" but then you end up functioning because you're too busy watching them. (And Trust me, were not called to be that type of watchmen..haha) Jesus did not die for you to simply be a social media guzzler. Appreciate the way your fellow brothers and sisters are living out their purposes but don't be so obsess with it to the point that you're not doing anything! You have your own race to run and you need to get busy!
4. Trust in God and depend on His Strength. Be honest with God. Simply say "Lord, I'm not really feeling this, I need you to help me." Be completely honest with Him about what you're feeling. But at some point, You have to push beyond your feelings my friend. God is with you! Life is more than how you feel and you should know that by now! Feelings at not your God so don't trust them to direct you in what to do. Trust the one and only true God. You have to fight back! Repeat aloud scripture to yourself! Do whatever you have to do... Regardless of what you do to fight ..You have to stay determined! Stay in position. You are a soldier in the army of God, not a couch potato Christian. That person died when Jesus died, and the NEW you that rose with Christ is a person of action! Trust that Christ is with you and you're not in this alone. Keep going, "----knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world."- 1 Peter 5:9 We're all out here trying to fight this couch potato symptom!
Just ask yourself this: "When I meet God face to face, and He asks me why didn't I do all that He asked, will It really be worth it to answer, "Lord, I simply just...didn't feel like it...?" Ponder on that.
Love you all so much!!
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