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"I Wanna Change, But Let Me Get Myself Together First."

There's such a heaviness on my heart as I write this post. 

I was scrolling on Instagram, as usual, knowing I should be getting ready for bed! I stopped specifically at this photo of a well known young girl who has well over 350,000 followers on Instagram. In this photo was a picture of her wearing "booty" shorts and a shirt that is considerably a crop top. In the caption of this photo she talked about how GRATEFUL she is that the Lord had transformed her and that she came a long way. She basically wrote a long caption about the power of being changed by having a relationship with Jesus. With the exception of a few things, the post was very inspiring. 
    She said something a little controversial in her post and I gave in to the temptation of checking out the comment section. I didn't find what I was looking for. Instead of them bashing her (with the exception of a few), I saw comments like this:

"I want to change, where do I start???"

"I wish I could say the same for my self. :( " (In regards of her caption)

And a few others, that for some reason broke my heart. I wanted to just give them an electronic hug because I could feel that they really, truly genuinely wanted to know how they could get closer to Christ. Like them, there are so many people put there that have this same desire in their hearts but not sure how to go about it. Maybe this is how you feel.. Let me encourage you.

You're not alone.

Image result for picture of someone in deep thought 

    You may feel like you're trying your hardest, but it feels like you're doing something wrong because having a relationship with Jesus is clearly working for everyone else and not you. 
You may latch on to certain public figures social media accounts so you could mimic their walk, because maybe, just maybe then God will start showing Himself to you like He does to them. 

   You may be thinking, "I'm way to jacked up for God to use me, I want a relationship with Him so bad but He's probably disappointed in Me. There no way He would want to use some as jacked up as me. Let me get myself together first and then I will go to Him"

If you wait to get yourself together, you'll never be ready. Because as soon as you think you have it all together... you're going to fall again.
That thing that's holding you back from approaching Jesus, that debt that you made, has already been paid. You no longer have to walk around in condemnation over what you've done, The fact that you desire to have a relationship with Jesus is half of the battle. Don;t allow the enemy to keep you bound in your shame. You are thirsty for Jesus and you want to give Him more, God honors that. Check this out: 

"The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price."-Revelation 22:17

See, it says "Let the one who desires to take the water of life come, only after they get it together."

Oh, It doesn't? You're right! It DOES'NT say that!

It clearly says " And let the one who is thirsty come, let the one who desires take the water of life without price.

Go to Him and repent. Be honest with Him. Pour it all out. When you get up from His feet, leave your old life there and develop a new life in Him! 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." -2 Corinthians 5:17

Develop your own walk God through Christ and not through public figures by mimicking their walk. There isn't another you and you have something unique to offer to the body of Christ that we need! Spend time with God and no, just like a flower, you;re not going to grow overnight. But I pray that this seed is planted on good ground so that you may sprout in your walk with Him! 

Well, this goes back to your question "I want to change but where do I start??" And Jesus would say, "Just come. Come to Me. And we'll go from there.

Well love, you have some "going to Jesus" to do. So I hope to hear from you soon. :)

Love you much!
-Mesha R

Heather Lindsey, who have an AHHmazing blog site, blogged about how to spend time with God ------>here.<--------- (It's not necessarily a formula but it might as well be because its so great! lol)


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