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Night Talks: When The Roads Separate

There are going to be certain times in your life where you will have to vary off on a different road from those who you started off with. In this moment, I don't want you to think that you are incapable to keep people around. I don't want you to carry around the feeling of inadequacy. Instead, I want you to shift your perspective in such a way that you no longer see the situation through your eyes. I want you to look at it through the eyes of Jesus. The mere fact that your walk and journey with Him is so great that there is only a limited amount of people that can go with you. This doesn't indicate that the person was a bad person, its just that you are going to go places that they are not simply qualified to go. Am I suggesting that God singles out people who have special roads that the people around them have to measure up to go on? Well, in a sense. They just have to fit the purpose. The people that Jesus kept around Him wasn't perfect but they fitted the purpose in His life here on earth. Peter wasn't perfect, but Peter held purpose in Jesus's life. Judas wasn't perfect and though his stance in Jesus's life wasn't typically the best one to have had, he still held a purpose. When his purpose was over, so was he.
There may be even be some people from your past that you tried to reconcile.with, but it seems as though its not the same. The conversations that you have with them isn't the same as it was in the "old days". But the truth is, you're telling them what you see on I -26, and they're telling you what they see on Highway 52. The roads are not the same anymore but its okay!
I just want you to understand that the Journey is great for you, with or without those people. You have the ability to keep whoever around you as long as the Lord see's fit! You better believe that if He wanted them to go on with you, He would have allowed them too. 
Trust that you're not alone in this walk. And the separation of the roads, were no accident. 
Goodnight loves...
-Mesha R.
You should check out:
1 John 2:19
Prov 3:5-6
Psalms 118:8


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