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Showing posts from 2014

Confessions of an Ex-Brokenhearted Girl...

I a lmost always cringe with embarrassment every time I think about how much of a mess I was after my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. The break-up was not initiated by me and although I knew we didn't need to be together, I was comfortable. In my heart I knew that God wasn't being honored in that relationship, and had warned me quite a few times to get out. But I just couldn't do it. I mean, well I could...but let me just be honest with you: Sometimes it's just plain hard to obey God, whom you can't see, vs a man that's sitting in your face. I was choosing a human over God! Now had I had been a mature christian... I would have obeyed quickly because I know that Christ is realer than anything in and out of my life AND humans are purely dust with souls that have to answer to Him. So, November 2, 2013 I surrendered that relationship to God. I told God that I was going to serve Him whole heartily and that I no longer wanted to be half way committed to Him. I had ...

For The SEVENTH time, No.

Okay, So I was reading the book of First Samuel the other day. Some of you may be familiar with that story, but I had a little encounter with God and that story was used to convict me of a little situation...(lol) To be honest, I did not plan to study the book of Samuel this week! I was so into the New Testament and studying the characteristic of Jesus, so I knew it had to have been God that led me back to the Old Testament. Okay so, I attend a really big school, and although I have completely gave my life to Christ, with the evidence of a CHANGED life, I am still human . So truth be told, when this cutie walked pass me and gestured me in some way, you best believe my next prayer was, "LORD is he the ONE?". Yes, girl..It was that deep. (LOL) So anyway: I assume that God was so not down with that, I mean, who does that anyway? It's crazy how we are when it comes down to guys. So, we get saved and make the decision that we're no longer gonna date guys that pull us...