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Showing posts from February, 2016

Jesus Did NOT Die For You To Be A Couch Potato Christian!

    I sit here on my couch in complete "debate mode" on rather or not I should write this blog. In my head..I'm one of the most productive Christians I know, but in reality..... blah.   But Why should I write a blog that will completely expose myself when pretending everything is all good is much easier? Why should I expose myself when the Bible clearly tells us to be ready to expose evil. ...not expose ourselves...(ha) "Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them."-Ephesians 5:11 BUT I didn't see anything where it said to expose myself. Well, I said ALL of that to say: SOMETIMES exposing evil can mean ....exposing ourselves. Errrrrrkkkk. Pump the brakes. "Mesha, I am faaaaar from evil. I am a Child of a King...So whatchu mean?! " Yeah, I hear you. But maybe you should consider that you are fully capable of being evil, IF and ONLY IF, you're not careful. And if not EXPOSED, that evil will run c...