There are going to be certain times in your life where you will have to vary off on a different road from those who you started off with. In this moment, I don't want you to think that you are incapable to keep people around. I don't want you to carry around the feeling of inadequacy. Instead, I want you to shift your perspective in such a way that you no longer see the situation through your eyes. I want you to look at it through the eyes of Jesus. The mere fact that your walk and journey with Him is so great that there is only a limited amount of people that can go with you. This doesn't indicate that the person was a bad person, its just that you are going to go places that they are not simply qualified to go. Am I suggesting that God singles out people who have special roads that the people around them have to measure up to go on? Well, in a sense. They just have to fit the purpose. The people that Jesus kept around Him wasn't perfect but they fitted the purpose i...