I a lmost always cringe with embarrassment every time I think about how much of a mess I was after my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. The break-up was not initiated by me and although I knew we didn't need to be together, I was comfortable. In my heart I knew that God wasn't being honored in that relationship, and had warned me quite a few times to get out. But I just couldn't do it. I mean, well I could...but let me just be honest with you: Sometimes it's just plain hard to obey God, whom you can't see, vs a man that's sitting in your face. I was choosing a human over God! Now had I had been a mature christian... I would have obeyed quickly because I know that Christ is realer than anything in and out of my life AND humans are purely dust with souls that have to answer to Him. So, November 2, 2013 I surrendered that relationship to God. I told God that I was going to serve Him whole heartily and that I no longer wanted to be half way committed to Him. I had ...